Question: Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.; Mufti Saab Kindly advise When we travel to the lake is it qasr namaaz or is it full namaaz? Does the ruling change if you own a cottage? We own a cottage at the lake so do we have to pray qasr or full namaaz pls …
Question: assalamualaikum Is it a sunnah or mustahab act to give gifts on ashura day and what exactly should we do on this day what are the virtues of this day. shukran Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. The Fast …
Injecting an animal with an anaesthetic
Question: Zabiha Halal meat in Germany Assalamu Alaykum wr wb, My family and I recently moved to Germany. We are having difficulty finding zabiha halal meat. Upon researching and inquiring, we have received a lot of conflicting information. It has come to our attention through the local media, that animals …
Read More »Qurbani being done by Organisations
Question: What do the Ulama say regarding the following two situations? 1) Certain stock farmers sell sheep and goats at the time of Qurbaani. They charge a stipulated fee for providing the service of parcelling and packaging the Qurbaani meat for all those people who wish to do Qurbaani at …
Read More »Qurbani animals and hurting neighbours
Question: Assalamu Alaykum May almighty Allah accept your hard work & grant you success in both the worlds, save you from the hardships of both the worlds. I have a small query pertaining to the lecture, hazrat has recommended to purchase the Qurbani animal a few days before the Eid …
Read More »Who is eligible to give the Adhan?
Question: As-salaamu alikum Mufti Sahib, Who is eligible to give Adhan? In our Masjid, people who give Adhan cannot pronounce all the Arabi letters correctly. For example, they pronounce أ instead of ع. Also, they wear trouser below their ankle and not follow the correct sunnah of our Beloved Nabi …
Read More »Forgetfully leaving out part of Suratul-Fatihah
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum ww Hope the Muftiyaan are well. My question is that what is the ruling if when reading Surat-ul-Fatihah in Salah, I forget part of one of the aayats or one of the aayats? For example, after غير المغضوب I forget to recite عليهم. Jazakallah Answer: In the …
Read More »Fidya of Salah and Saum
FIDYA OF SALAH AND SAUM (FAST) Brief Guidelines If a person has unfulfilled obligations of Salah or Fasts, he should try his utmost best to make Qadha of them. If he is unable to do so due to some reasons, it is Wajib (necessary) for him to make wasiyyah (bequest) …
Read More »Sajdah Tilawah
Sajdah Tilawah
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