Fidya of Salah and Saum


Brief Guidelines

If a person has unfulfilled obligations of Salah or Fasts, he should try his utmost best to make Qadha of them. If he is unable to do so due to some reasons, it is Wajib (necessary) for him to make wasiyyah (bequest) before his death.

If a person passed away and had not fulfilled his obligation of Salah and Ramadhan fasts:

  • If the deceased was unable to perform Qadha of the missed fasts and Salah, and therefore stipulated the payment of Fidya in his Will or made wasiyyah (bequest), then the heirs are obliged to discharge the Fidya from one third of the estate after settling burial expenses and debts if any.
  • If, however, the deceased did not make any such stipulation, then it is not necessary upon the heirs to discharge Fidya on his/her behalf. If the heirs voluntarily pay the Fidya, it is hoped that Allah will accept the Fidya on behalf of the deceased. In such a case, the consent of all Baligh heirs is necessary if all heirs are Baligh. If there are any minors among the heirs, the remaining Baligh heirs may then pay the Fidya from their Shar’i share of inheritance.

The obligation of Salah and Fast begins from the time one is Baligh.

If there are no records of the amount of Salah or Fasts missed, one may make an estimate of the Salah’s and Fasts.

The Salah’s to be calculated are the 5 Fardh Salah and Witr Salah which makes it a total of 6 Salah per day.

The value of Fidya is the same as Sadaqatul Fitr, which is the value of 1.75 kg of wheat or wheat flour or 3.5 kg of barley or their equivalent value in one’s area.

  • It is permissible to give the Fidya of multiple Salah to one person. Likewise, it is permissible to divide one Fidya amount among multiple persons.
  • Fidya may be given in cash or kind.
  • Fidya is only supposed to be given to Muslims who are eligible for Zakah.

The present average value of 1.75 kg of wheat is approximately K1,900. [Malawi – June, 2021]

[Raddul Muhtar, Nurul Idhah, Ahsanul Fatawa 4/431, 441-42, 449 | 9/291-92 – MH Saeed, Kifayatul Mufti 4/181-83 | Fatawa Rahimiyyah 7/271, 10/275-76 – Isha’at]


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